
Buy premium quality Brazilian chicken

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Pedido mínimo: 54 toneladas
Tiempo de entrega: 2 semanas
Envío a: Todo el mundo
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buy premium quality Brazilian chicken

Certainly! Frozen chicken feet are a meat product derived from the whole chicken foot, including bones and skin. They consist mostly of connective tissue, such as skin, cartilage, tendons, and bones. Despite not having much muscle, they are still nutritious and provide vitamins and minerals1. Here are some specifications for processed frozen chicken feet:

Grade: A
Shelf Life: 12 months
Average Weight per Foot: 40-45 grams
Total Weight Range per Foot: 30 grams up to 70 grams
Broken Bones: Less than 2%
Deep Pads Cut: Less than 5%
Water Content: Less than 5%
Black Spot: Less than 5%
Appearance Color: White and light pink
Cutting Point: At the cartilage point
Visual Condition: No feathers, no black pads, no blood, no bad smell, no black nails, no bruises, well cleaned, without yellow skin, and without outer nails
Raw Materials: Sourced from neighborhood slaughterhouses and processed immediately after slaughtering
Freezing Type: Cold room quick freezing within 6 hours
Storage Temperature: -20°C
Transport Temperature: -18°C
Frozen chicken feet are commonly used in various culinary dishes worldwide. They offer a unique texture and flavor, making them a popular ingredient in soups, stews, and other recipes. If you're interested in purchasing frozen chicken feet, you can contact us.
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ID producto: 81903246 | Referencia: chicken | Vendido por: m&r commece llc
Fecha de alta del producto 21/05/2024 - Modificado por el vendedor 21/05/2024
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buy premium quality Brazilian chicken